30 April 2011
Uncommon Commentary #174
To my knowledge, no US chief executive but Obombast has ever appeared on
daytime-television talk shows while in office.
I hope that this isn't a new trend; indeed, I also hope that his
presidency doesn't set a trend in any other
28 April 2011
Uncommon Commentary #173
There's only one better way to look stupid than to drive a car with an Obama/Biden bumper sticker: drive one with an Obama/Biden '12 sticker.
26 April 2011
Uncommon Commentary #172
In Uncommon Commentary
I used the word "brownshirts" for the labor-union dragoons who fought
in the "Battle of Wisconsin," aided and abetted by both the White
House and the Democratic Party. Now, I
learn that: 1) the corrupt and bullying Service Employees International Union
(SEIU) has decided that the mob-rule tactics used this year in Madison are the
key to left-wing electoral prosperity; 2) their uniform includes a purple shirt. Consequently, I've added a new coinage to the
list of domanisms, below.
25 April 2011
Miscellaneous Musing #32
Even if Christianity were not the truth, it ought to be. What other movement has the potential to unite the world, permanently?
21 April 2011
Uncommon Commentary #171: The Benighted States of America
In Book I, Chapter 33 of The
City of God, Saint Augustine stated that "He [Scipio Nasica, a Roman
with a reputation for wisdom] did not consider that republic flourishing whose
walls stand, but whose morals are in ruins." In Chapter 16 of Book II, he wrote of "…
moral evils, evils of life and conduct—evils which are so mighty, that,
according to the wisest pagans, by them states are ruined while their cities
stand uninjured …." If this doctor
of the church was right, as I believe he was, then the USA is just as truly a
"failed state" as Pakistan or Somalia.
16 April 2011
Uncommon Commentary #170: Here See Heresy
A smaller percentage of US citizens claim Christianity as their faith now
than ever before, but the situation is really even worse than that statistic
shows, since the number of ostensible followers of Christ includes such
heretics as Unitarians (who get their name from the fact that they deny the
Trinity), Mormons (who hold that God the Father and God the Son were
extraterrestrials who attained the status of divinities), and believers in
Black Liberation Theology (like the congregation of the "church" in
Chicago formerly attended by Emperor Nerobama; if you've ever heard about how its
"worship services" are conducted, you know that this point requires
no elaboration).
06 April 2011
Uncommon Commentary #169: March Badness
The U. Conn. Huskies (which team represents the university where I got my
M.A.) have now won the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament thrice, yet on none of
those occasions were they really the best team in the country. I'm sorry, Connecticut boosters, but this
isn't the way that basketball (or any other sport) ought to be.
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