The USA has probably never had any other President so ignorant of history as is Obama, as has again been demonstrated by one of his two remarks in Prague about "moral authority," this one being the rationale for slashing the US defense budget. Around the time of Obama's birth, Secretary of Defense McNamara puzzled over why it was so difficult to reach arms-control agreement with the USSR; he witlessly concluded that it was our fault, for being too far ahead in the arms race, and that we should therefore allow the Soviets to catch up to us. At the end of the 1960's they indeed caught up, but continued expanding their arsenal, until, by the time Reagan became president, it had numerical superiority over ours in nearly every category. Later in the 1980's, such politicians as Sen. Gary Hart didn't even want to see the USA catch up to the USSR, but instead called for another unilateral nuclear freeze, going on the assumption that the Kremlin would consequently feel morally compelled to halt its own buildup. In case my readers' memories are as deficient as those of my president: What actually ended the "Cold War" (by bringing about the end of the Soviet Union) was, as many of the Russians themselves have said, the reconstitution of the US military under Reagan, which challenge the Soviets attempted to meet by seeking to maintain their lead over our country; this placed an unbearable strain on an economy that was already crippled by left-wing mismanagement (politicians, please note). Perhaps Obama's campaign rhetoric ought to have invoked not the word "change" but "rehash."
By the way, how can a country ruled by Democrats have "moral authority" in regard to anything?