22 March 2010
Uncommon Commentary #109: Slaughtering the Rule of Law
The Dumbocrats in the House of Reprehensives chose not to pass the
Senate's version of ObamaCareless
using an underhanded method; not, of course, because they had qualms about
again violating the promise of Nancy Pilosi (see the list of domanisms) that this would be "the most ethical Congress
ever," but simply because she and the bizarrely-named Steny Hoyer felt
confident that they had the votes to further the Left's anti-crusade for
bureaucratized medicine without resorting here to something Democratic but undemocratic, and that to forego violating
the spirit of the US Constitution in this
instance would somehow be a "public-relations coup." I'm disappointed with the leftists; since one
of the chief objections to adoption of the Senate bill was its provision for
federal funding of foeticide (induced abortion), I thought that it would be
verbally appropriate for them to overcome that obstacle by means of the "Slaughter rule."