Some reflections on the
failed effort to outlaw sex-selective abortion in the USA:
It's not possible to determine the sex of a
child until 20 weeks into the pregnancy; since this is more than halfway through
the human gestation period of 274 days, nobody with at least an ounce of sense can
pretend that a human fœtus at this point of development does not yet qualify as
a human being.
The tally in the House
of Representatives was 246-168, which means that, in a body where the GOP has a
substantial majority, just 59.4 percent of our legislators voted in favor of a civilized
standard of morality and against that of savages. (A mere 20 Democrats voted
for the bill, and even seven Republicans opposed it).
Had it passed, the law would have been
practically unenforceable (because, in this country, abortion can be induced
for almost any excuse imaginable; a woman need not admit that she doesn't want
to give birth to a girl), but the fact that it would've been almost purely
symbolic means that even a congressman who considers fœticide permissible for
the sake of sex selection had nothing to lose by voting for this ban (unless he
was beholden to pro-choicers so witlessly intransigent as to regard even the
slightest restriction on abortion as an encroachment upon their