Q: Is it true that what happened in
Benghazi, and the anti-US riots that have taken place at our embassies
elsewhere in the Moslem world, are responses to a film that reportedly
disparages Mohammed?
A: Obama's administration and the media
have gone by that assumption, but so far it seems unsupported by any evidence. If that film has played any rĂ´le whatsoever,
it's been that of a pretext (almost certainly suggested to the rioters inadvertently by the US Department of State, as I noted in the previous uncommon commentary).
A: Is Joe Biden a windbag? Who ever heard of a "spontaneous" assault that employed mortars, rocket-propelled grenades, and improvised explosive devices (i.e.d.'s)? Even in Libya, those things aren't just lying around on the ground, waiting to be used by "extremists".
Q: But, isn't there a consensus in the
"intelligence community" that it was not planned far ahead of time,
and that the fact that it took place on 11 September is just coincidence?
A: That's what we've heard from the
Obombast Administration, not from the "intelligence community"
itself. The only source of intelligence to
have spoken up so far—one in Libya—has
contradicted the administration's position (as has the Libyan government).
Q: Why, then, is the administration
lying to us? Is it just force of habit?
A: In this case, it's because Obama
doesn't want to admit that Moslem terrorists have successfully targeted the USA
during his presidency; it's the same reason (along with, naturally, Political
Correctness) why they're unwilling to refer to, e.g., the Fort Hood massacre as
Q: Is history repeating itself?
A: There is a marked similarity,
regarding unpreparedness on the part of the US government, between the bombing
of Pearl Harbor and the bombardment of the Benghazi consulate. In 1941, Franklin Delano Roosevelt—a
president to whom, interestingly, Obama is often compared by his
supporters—knew from deciphered Japanese communications that Japan planned to assail
the USA somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, yet he failed to alert our bases to the
fact; on 11 September of this year, Obama's administration had similar reason
to fear a terrorist incident in eastern Libya, yet there were no Marines on
guard at the consulate in Benghazi, or, indeed, additional safety precautions of
any sort.
Q: Was there any time in history when
as many things were going wrong for the USA as have gone wrong under Obama?
A: I, an historian, can't think of
any. The War of Southern Secession
(i.e., "Civil War") and the Great Depression, for example, obviously were
great trials for this country, but at least our civilization was not falling
apart as it is now. (Anyway, Obama's
policies may well be propelling us toward a true civil war and an even greater
Q: Is there anything that you can add
to what you've already said here?
A: Certainly, but I'll save it for some other uncommon commentary.