I recall hearing, in the late 1980's or early 1990's, that the majority
of the people in the USA opposed (induced) abortion but were ambivalent about
what ought to substitute for it. Remembering
this made me curious about what I've heard more recently, and which seemed quite
inconsistent with the ongoing collapse of our moral standards: that the USA is
becoming pro-life. I did research at
Gallup.org and learned, among other things, that the difference between the
percentage of the populace describing themselves as "pro-life" and
the percentage calling themselves "pro-choice" underwent a 32-point
shift from 1995 to May 2009: from 33 percent "pro-life" and 56
percent "pro-choice" in 1995 to 51 percent "pro-life" and
42 percent "pro-choice" in May 2009.
This looks like a revolution in opinion, but "pro-choice" and
"pro-life" are just labels. On
the five occasions when the Gallupers have posed the question "Thinking more
generally, do you think abortion should generally [Note the use of this
word.—Doman] be legal or generally illegal during each of the following stages
of pregnancy?", the results (from Gallup.org) were as follows. (You'll have to "click" the image if you want to see the entire thing.)
From the first to the
latest survey, therefore, the disparity between the should-be-legal and the
should-be-illegal positions decreased, in regard to the first trimester of
pregnancy, from +34 to +30 percentage points; in regard to the other two
trimesters, the disparity increased
from -39 to -37 and from -69 to -66 percentage points. These results suggest that what has really
changed is not public attitude but rather the concept of
"pro-life". Indeed, when I
read one of Gallup.org's articles (In U.S., Nonreligious, Postgrads [sic] Are Highly "Pro-Choice")
for a separate
purpose, I found support for this hypothesis: "While the poll
["Gallup's annual Values and Beliefs poll", of 3-6 May 2012] found a
significant decline
in self-identification as pro-choice, Americans' [sic] more basic views of
the legality of abortion were unchanged this year." ("Significant
decline in self-identification as pro-choice" alludes to the previous
survey's tie between the "pro-life" and "pro-choice" camps,
each with 47 percentage points. The
table below, from Gallup.org, shows the result for each occasion on which
Gallup has asked those polled "With respect to the abortion issue, would
you consider yourself to be pro-life or pro-choice?"; note that the 27-30
December 2012 survey, taken less than eight months after the percentage of
"pro-choice" respondents had fallen to a record-low 41, registers a
13-point swing in the opposite direction.)
object of this posting is not to discourage my fellow pro-lifers by showing
them how much work still needs to be done; rather, it is to caution them
against assuming that fœticide can be outlawed completely (or even close to
completely) by working through the "democratic" process. If you want to achieve any kind of success,
you must be realistic about your goals, and it seems very unrealistic to hope
for anything more than extremely limited victories such as July's legislation
in Texas. Anyway, public opinion is not
the only obstacle to ending the tragedy of induced abortion, as you will see in
a future uncommon commentary.