13 November 2013
Uncommon Commentary #378: Obama's Health-Care Law Makes Me Sick
partisan problem with bipartisan proposals to delay ObamaCareless [see the list
of domanisms] mandates for a year is that such postponements would stave off ill
effects of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act until after the first
Tuesday in November 2014, and thus improve the re-election prospects of many of
the very politicians who bear responsibility for this mess. Rather than try to make the law work, why not
make another attempt to repeal it? (This
would surely have a higher chance of success than past attempts, thanks to public
displeasure over the early failures that we are witnessing.) Even allowing it to die from its natural
infirmities would be preferable to trying to save its life; this would be
(temporarily) bad news for the People, but it would be their own fault for
returning Obama to office after it became yet more obvious that he's not
presidential material. Like those whom
we elect to be our leaders, we must suffer the consequences of our poor