there were a polity governed by the principles of what I call
"Domanism"—let's call it "Domania" or perhaps "the
Doman Empire"—, it would take a very different approach to marriage from
what prevails in the super-secular modern West.
The state would recognize Christian, Jewish, and most other religious
wedding ceremonies, but not the civil variety. (Couples whose wedding had been
performed by, e.g., a justice
of the peace either prior to the establishment of this quasi-utopia, or in a
land wherefrom they had subsequently migrated, would have to legitimate their
marriage by making vows to God before a clergyman; so that children born
previously would not be bastards, this solemnified marriage would be held as
retroactive to the date of the civil ceremony.)
As reason and religion both require, marriage would be permitted only
between persons of opposite sexes, and each person would be allowed just one husband
or wife at a time. Cohabitation with someone
of the other sex would be forbidden. Following
Matthew 5:32, divorce would be allowed only in the event of sexual misconduct
(which evidently is the meaning of "porneia", the word used in the
New Testament); the spouse who was cheated on would be permitted to remarry,
but the one who committed adultery would not be so permitted while the former
spouse remained alive.
It's unlikely
that Domania /the Doman Empire will be established while our fallen race is
still running the world, but, if it ever should be, I'll supply you with pertinent
information such as gross domestic product and average life expectancy and,
most importantly, maps of this land.
(Ideally, it would extend over all Christendom, the territories in which
Christianity has historically been the prevalent faith. Of course, it would be even better if this
potential realm overspread the entire world, but let's take one thing at a time;
it's hard enough to get most nominal Christians
to behave like Christians, without trying to enforce such standards of behavior
among the infidels.)