27 July 2016
Uncommon Commentary #511: Your Identity Can’t Be Stolen if You've Never Had One
Most peoples of the world have no difficulty in knowing who they are; what
it means to be French, for instance, is simply to be French. For us Yanks, though, it's a problem. Had you asked a US citizen of the early
Nineteenth Century what it meant to be "American," he, knowing that
the founding of his country had taken place on a political rather than an
ethnic basis, would have told you that it meant believing in “government by the
people” and all that. By the onset of
the 1900's, however, some other countries (including the one from which we
forcibly separated ourselves for the sake of what's usually been termed
political progress) had approached, matched, or exceeded our degree of
political freedom. Further, the composition
of the populace had changed, for the USA had received heavy migration from
places other than the United Kingdom.
Realizing that "American-ness" needed to be redefined, someone
then conceived the symbol of the melting-pot, the idea being that peoples from
all over the world were assimilated into a supposed new nationality. Today, we've repudiated our own melting-pot
ideology and replaced it with profession of belief in its antithesis:
"multicultural diversity." The
beginnings of three centuries, therefore, and three totally different
conceptions of what the United States of America is "about": this
amply demonstrates that we have an ongoing identity crisis, which will not be
resolved until we acknowledge that, because our culture derives primarily from
Great Britain, our country is practically an unofficial member of the
Commonwealth. (One might call the USA the nearly-identical twin sister of
Canada; the one who ran away from home rather than wait to be given independence, for what it’s worth.)