Specifically, ridin' off into the sunset. (See the last paragraph.) The
creep—I mean, Veep—has again put his
foot into his mouth, which he does so often that he'll probably contract
athlete's-tongue. On this occasion,
Vice-President Blatherskate was in the city Chengdu in the People's Republic of
China, making prepared remarks—which
means that he doesn't even have the excuse of misspeaking—on the
entitlement-explosion crisis in the US. He said:
“… But [sic] as I was talking to some of your leaders, you share a similar concern here in China. You have no safety net. Your policy has been one which I fully understand — I’m not second-guessing — of one child per family. The result being that you’re in a position where one wage earner will be taking care of four retired people [sic]. Not sustainable.”
Biden, therefore, voiced no concerns over the
PRC's means of enforcing its population-control policy, which include
imprisonment, fines, beatings, mandated abortions and sterilizations, and loss
of employment or of government benefits; his only objection was on demographic
grounds, namely, that if the Chinese kill off too many future taxpayers, there
won't be enough revenue to support current taxpayers once the latter have
retired. (He reportedly has backtracked on his statements to the Chinese
audience, but he can't undo the fact that he made them.)
whole Obombast administration deserves to be discharged by the voters, but
we'll have to wait until November of next year for the chance to bring that
about. In the meantime, why doesn't the President improve matters ever so
slightly by administering a mercy-killing to the career of his running-mate, as
Nixon did in the case of Spiro Agnew?