30 September 2011
Uncommon Commentary #216: Giving the Phrase "Criminal Lawyer" New Meaning
The rĂ´le of a defense attorney is merely to ensure
that his client's legal rights are respected; he is under no obligation to try
to get the client acquitted of charges against him, or, should the client be
convicted, to have the severity of the sentence reduced. How many criminal
lawyers are even aware of this fact, and how many tacitly disregard it?
27 September 2011
Uncommon Commentary #215: Obama Should Execute Laws; We Should Execute Him
The reason why the US
president is called our "chief executive" is that his proper function
is not to make laws but to execute laws made by the legislature. For the presidential administration to
participate in formulating legislation, as the current one habitually does, is
to violate the Constitution's principle of separation of powers. (For uncommon commentary on a similar subject, see here.)
22 September 2011
Uncommon Commentary #214: How Many Years Are There in Ten Months?
Emperor Nerobama is determined
to raise taxes, even if it kills him us.
Wasn't his capitulation to the opposition in December, hailed as a
triumph of the Republicans, supposed to have prolonged the Bush-era tax rates
for two years?
21 September 2011
Uncommon Commentary #212: "Intelligence?" What a Misnomer!
The w.w.w. site
of the Central Intelligence Agency, under the heading "Diversity,"
actually says:
"In order for the CIA to meet our mission of protecting our national [sic] security interests, we need to emply a workforce as diverse as America [sic] itself—the most diverse nation [sic] on earth. Diversity reflects the unique ways we vary as Intelligence Officers—our nationality, race, ethnicity, gender [sic], age, language, culture, sexual orientation, education, values, beliefs, abilities, and disabilities. These assorted attributes create different demographic, functional, and intellectual views, which are so vital to our innovation, agility, collection, and analysis."
we therefore to assume that, were the CIA not so "diverse," it would
botch the gathering and analyzing of intelligence even more often than it does?
20 September 2011
Uncommon Commentary #213: Get Rid of Obama! Get Rid of Obama! Get Rid of Obama! (et cetera)
the epochal week that began with his proposed demanded solution to the
ongoing economic crisis (that is to say, stimulate the economy by spending
hundreds of billions of dollars—What originality and imagination!), Emperor
Nerobama reportedly said "Pass this bill!", or used a close variation
of the phrase, over 100 times. There is, however, one major distinction between
him and a broken record: one can dispose of a broken record immediately,
whereas one can't dispose of Obombast for more than another year yet.
19 September 2011
Uncommon Commentary #211
The USA is threatening to suspend nearly
half-a-billion-dollars'-worth of aid to the Palestinian Arabs if they continue
their quest for statehood in a way so exclusive of Israel, rather than use the
preferred US method of continually restarting talks with that country for a
two-state "solution" (even though President Obombast said, earlier
this year, that "the international community is tired of an endless
process …"; for what
I think of this diplomatic boondoggle,
see here.) Why don't we cut off our aid in any event,
and do so permanently?
11 September 2011
Uncommon Commentary #210
A decade after the terrorist
acts of 11 September 2001, our land (as opposed to those individuals in this
land who were actually affected by the events) does not, in my opinion, still
need "healing"; what it needs is to grow up. To pronounce the date of those occurrences to
be the day when the world changed forever,
simply because they happened here rather than in some country where a suicide
attack is almost routine, is to have a parochial attitude and an exaggerated
sense of our importance.
06 September 2011
Uncommon Commentary #209: We Will Never Forget What?
In the immediate
aftermath of the disasters of 11 September 2001, many of the people of the USA
solemnly proclaimed "We will never forget"; within weeks, though,
people did forget all about the attack upon the Pentagon, and were using
"Ground Zero" to refer exclusively to the site of the remains of the
World Trade Center. (That
tragedy wasn't even the first attack upon the World Trade Center, and the 1993
bombing of the twin towers wasn't the first incidence of terrorism on US soil;
in 1954, Puerto Rican separatists murdered five Congressmen on the floor of the
US House of Representatives. It's
astonishing how few Yanks have any knowledge of this.) The
calamity at the headquarters of our armed forces may not have been as deadly as
that in New York, but that doesn't mean that it ought to be ignored.
03 September 2011
Uncommon Commentary #208: Taxation Isn't Our Cup of Tea
It's ironic that the TEA
Party movement (the name whereof, by the way, should be spelled with the
"T," "E," and "A" all capitalized, since they
form an acronym from "Taxed Enough Already") evokes our mythologized
Revolution, which was supposed to improve life for the colonists by abolishing
the so-called tyranny of "taxation without representation"; now that
our land is a republic, we are subject to taxation with representation (at least in theory; no one votes for
politicians who admit that they favor higher tax rates for most of the
populace, but candidates for office overcome this handicap by simply concealing
their intentions from the electorate), yet said movement has arisen in
opposition to the government of our independent country. Doesn't this mean that
the Founders' experiment was ultimately futile, that we're no better ruled—in
my opinion, much worse—than before?
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