03 September 2011
Uncommon Commentary #208: Taxation Isn't Our Cup of Tea
It's ironic that the TEA
Party movement (the name whereof, by the way, should be spelled with the
"T," "E," and "A" all capitalized, since they
form an acronym from "Taxed Enough Already") evokes our mythologized
Revolution, which was supposed to improve life for the colonists by abolishing
the so-called tyranny of "taxation without representation"; now that
our land is a republic, we are subject to taxation with representation (at least in theory; no one votes for
politicians who admit that they favor higher tax rates for most of the
populace, but candidates for office overcome this handicap by simply concealing
their intentions from the electorate), yet said movement has arisen in
opposition to the government of our independent country. Doesn't this mean that
the Founders' experiment was ultimately futile, that we're no better ruled—in
my opinion, much worse—than before?