06 October 2011
Uncommon Commentary #217: Perry "A"? On Immigration, He Deserves a "C"
Governor Perry would probably
make an above-average president (perhaps even as good a president as
anyone can be under our political system), but his position on illegal
immigration is troubling, and for more than one reason. The first reason is simply that his stated
opinions on this subject are erroneous: he (objecting that what we need are "boots on the ground," as if the deployment of guards and of agents were an alternative rather than a complement to the erection of a stationary defense) opposes a border fence as "idiocy,"
and he signed into law a program that reduces tuition for students who are
children of undocumented aliens, thereby giving Mexicans yet more incentive to
cross the Rio Grande illicitly. The
second reason is his possible motivation for this position: the fact that Texas
has one of the highest Hispanic populations of any State makes it hard to avoid
the suspicion that he is sacrificing border security and cultural cohesion to
appease that segment of the electorate. Anyone
who's going to be chief executive of this country not only needs to be in the
right; he also must be willing to oppose the majority of the people when they
are in the wrong.