06 January 2013
Uncommon Commentary #317: Were it Possible to Wish Something out of Existence, Self-Righteous Anti-Gun Crusaders Would Have Disappeared, Thanks to Me
It has sometimes been noted
that crime rates actually rise as a result of bans on gun ownership, even in
island countries which have no neighbors from where such weapons can be
smuggled in; I've never seen it explained why
this happens, however, and so I'll here attempt to give an explanation that can
be understood even by a Holly-woodhead. (Whether "gun control"
proponents will allow themselves to
understand it remains problematic; I suspect strongly that many leftists don't
even care whether restrictions on the sale and use of guns reduce crime, since
what they really want is not to prevent another Newtown-style tragedy but
rather to punish firearm owners, whom they consider to be the Enemy, equating
them with White supremacists, religious fanatics, &c.) When possession of guns is outlawed, the
law-abiding surrender theirs to the authorities, but the law-breaking retain
their firearms and then use them to commit crimes versus the law-abiding, who,
now disarmed, make easier targets for the law-breaking than they did
before. It's that simple. In the USA, there is nearly one privately-owned
firearm for each man, woman, and child; perhaps that's too many, but we can't
simply wish them out of existence.