In Uncommon Commentary #276: Not Sagacious but Salacious, I deplored the nostalgia that even some "Conservatives" apparently feel for the era of Bill Clinton, who was probably the worst president that the USA ever had prior to the current one. Corroboration of my opinion is coming from a surprising source.
When President Yo'Mama [see the list of domanisms] claimed the credit for the raid that resulted in the death of Usama bin Laden, Clinton said that he "applauds" the President and that "if you had the capacity to go get him and you didn't do it, it would be impossible to explain …." Then why didn't his administration accept the offer made by Sudan, in which country the founder of Al-Qaeda was then living, to extradite him to us following the first attack upon the World Trade Center building?
Speaking at the National Socialist rally in Nuremburg—I mean, the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte—and at other times during Obama's disgraceful re-election campaign, Clinton blamed the 2008 financial crisis on a deregulation of banks that he implied took place under George W. Bush. In reality, the only such instances of deregulation were the enacting of the Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act and the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act; Riegle-Neal and the repeal of Glass-Steagall were both signed into law by Clinton.
Finally,—there are perhaps other examples that could be given, but I think that you get the point—Clinton has written an opinion-editorial piece in which he urged the US Supreme Court to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act, which, again, Slick Willie himself signed into law. He justified his flip-flop on this issue by writing that supporters of the bill "believed that its passage 'would diffuse [sic; the choice of this word evidently is a mistake (by a Rhodes scholar!) for "defuse"] a movement to enact ["ratify" is the right word] a constitutional amendment banning gay [sic] marriage, which would have ended the debate for a generation or more.'"
And so as you see, Clinton lately has often seemed intent on
repudiating his own legacy as chief executive; it's an amusing change for
someone whom, when he was in the White House, I named "Owen
Hornblower" for his habit of lauding himself as one of the great leaders
in US history. Let's just hope that he's
the only President Clinton we'll ever have.