24 March 2013
Uncommon Commentary #333: An Oaf's Oath
John Brennan, the
President's typically poor choice to direct the Central Intelligence Agency, took
his oath of office on a 1787 draught of the US Constitution instead of a Bible;
the Obombast Administration's explanation was that he did so to "reaffirm
his commitment to the rule of law".
There has been commentary on the symbolic significance of this action,
concerning the fact that the Constitution in 1787 did not yet include the
"Bill of Rights", but I don't know of any on the significance that
may be more than symbolic, which is
the subject of this uncommon
commentary. The reason why one normally swears
an oath with one's hand on Holy Writ is not to pledge to uphold the noble
principles therein (although it would be nice if our rulers in general, and
members of the present administration in particular, would do precisely that);
it is to make the vow by something that one holds sacred, as most of us
probably do still consider the Bible to be.
Does the Administration, then, rank the US Constitution, the authors of
which never claimed divine inspiration for their writing, on a par with Scripture? If so, this episode may mark a new high for
the incoming tide of secularism and idolatry in our land.