03 June 2013
Uncommon Commentary #345
Many opinioneers correctly
decry our government as dysfunctional, corrupt, and, as the scandals of the
current presidential administration have reminded us, sometimes even oppressive. Judge Andrew Napolitano, for instance, with
whom I usually agree despite his excessive reverence for the USA's Founding
Fathers, often likens the present regime's practices to those of King and
Parliament that allegedly impelled (some of the) denizens of the Thirteen
Colonies to revolt against the rule of the home country. These pundits, however, always shrink from
what I consider to be the inescapable conclusion of their logic, which is that what
some call the "American experiment" has failed and that we're no
better governed—indeed, probably worse so—than we would be had we never waged
our war of independence.