years I’ve been wondering just where people got the idea that the United States of
America was “founded
on Christian [or “Judeo-Christian”] principles”. Perhaps it has a quasi-historical basis; the Second
Great Awakening is reckoned by some as a motivation for the Revolution, and
some of the Puritan sects of the Seventeenth Century had a democratic character
and therefore might be adduced as evidence of a connection between Christianity
and our Revolution, which, however, was not really so “democratic” as people
today think it was. (I say “quasi-historical” because, in my opinion, neither any
Great Awakenings nor any Nonconformist denominations had any influence
whatsoever upon the founding of the USA.
I might write more on this topic on another occasion.) It could also be merely that readers of the
founding documents of the USA make the same mistake that I did at approximately
age 18. Reading through the Declaration
of Independence, I was impressed by the multiple mentions of God made therein;
as I learned more of history and religion, though, I realized the significance
of the fact that the Declaration nowhere mentions God simply as “God”, but
always calls Him “Nature’s God” or “the Creator”; this betrays the opinion of
Eighteenth-Century Deists like the document’s author, Thomas Jefferson, who
believed that the Deity created the universe and established the physical laws
by which it functions, but takes no further part in its operation. This attitude is not atheism in the sense of a
doctrine that God does not exist, but it’s not Christianity (or Judaism, or any
other organized religion) either.
I know that
those who write or say that
the USA was “founded
on Christian principles” are trying to fight the Culture War, and I sympathize
with them; but I have a passion for the truth, and so it troubles me when
people delude themselves, and there’s no question that this idea is a delusion; the founders of this
country were products of their era, the misnamed Enlightenment, which was anti-Christian. Furthermore, it’s hard to win any kind of war
without waging it intelligently, and, unfortunately, the people who have
heretofore led the effort to turn our country back toward God—the generals, so
to speak, in the Culture War—have been super-patriots who seem to think that
the solution to any problem facing the USA is to somehow “return to the principles of
the Founders”. What I’m trying to make
people understand is that the
principles to which we need to return are those not of the Deists and
Freemasons whom we call the Founding Fathers, but those of the Church Fathers.