29 March 2015
Uncommon Commentary #449: Don’t Let Our Language Languish
in general would likely agree that, if one is to do anything, one ought to try
to do that thing as well as one reasonably can.
Yet, they seem to feel that this principle does not apply to the
speaking and writing of English, and indeed that, while there may be such things
as nonstandard grammar and syntax, the concept of substandard usage isn’t even valid; that it’s all just a question
of dialect (or of the politically-motivated absurdity called “Ebonics”—As if
being Black rendered one incapable of using proper English!). In the play Pygmalion, Professor Henry
Higgins says: “Remember that you are a human being with a soul and the divine
gift of articulate speech, that your native language is the language of
Shakespeare and Milton and the Bible.” If George Bernard Shaw (a fine dramatist but a
distasteful person overall) understood that good English matters, the average, comparatively
respectable person ought to understand it also.