06 April 2015

Uncommon Commentary #450: A Treaty, but Not a Treat

And so, we’ve negotiated with Iran the "framework" of an arrangement that evokes Neville Chamberlain’s “peace in our time” proclamation from 1938, and Emperor Nerobama’s administration still insists that said arrangement does not qualify as a treaty and therefore is not subject to approval or disapproval by the US Senate, contrary to the US Constitution. (If it’s not a treaty, what is it?)  The defects of our deal with the Deil (this latter word being the Scottish dialectical variant of “Devil”) have already been adequately discussed by pundits at reliable media like FoxNews.com, and so there’s no need for me to add my opinions here.  My primary purpose in this posting is to speculate: What can the Senate do to enforce its right to ratify, or reject ratification of, what obviously is a treaty?  The only option that I can see is to impeach Obama; this ought to have been done long ago, and may be feasible now that the Senate majority comprises Republicans, who, however, are undoubtedly haunted by the political consequences of their attempt to bring another abuser of presidential power, Bill Clinton, to justice.  Our congressional leaders may, therefore, lack the fortitude to do anything more than protest impotently against this latest, and perhaps most egregious yet, instance of executive overreach.