14 September 2015
Miscellaneous Musing #74: Pride Is Reason for Humility
Christian theologians hold pride to be a deadly
sin—indeed, it’s considered to be paramount among the Seven Deadly Sins, as it
is the one committed by Lucifer in becoming Satan—, yet we typically speak of
it as if it were a positive quality,
as in “We’re so proud of you!” or “Don’t you have any pride?” (This does not
mean that it’s always bad to have anything that is ever called “pride”; sometimes,
we’re just using the wrong word. For
example, it’s often said that somebody takes “pride in his work”. I think that it’s legitimate for a person to
be pleased or satisfied with what he has accomplished, and that only if his
accomplishments give him too high an opinion of himself, especially if he
believes that his accomplishments make him superior to others, does he become
guilty of the sin of pride.) Conversely,
the world regards humiliation, that is to say, a cause of the Christian virtue humility, as necessarily
destructive. (This paradox might be the best illustration of how thoroughly benighted
our society is, if not for the increasing acceptance as normal of the
psychological abnormalities
homosexuality and “transgenderism”, and the correspondingly increasing
intolerance of those who do not adhere to this viewpoint.)