26 January 2016
Uncommon Commentary #493: UC #159 Follow-Up
During Obama’s first term as US president, when undercover, independent
filmmakers exposed multiple ACORN (Association of Community Organizers for
Reform Now!) offices as being willing to help establish a business importing underage
girls from El Salvador for the purpose of prostitution (see Stingers VersusStinkers), the US Senate voted 83-7 to deny the ACORN its customary federal housing-money, which
would have amounted to over 1.6 million dollars. That even seven members of what some call
“the world’s greatest deliberative body” voted to preserve such funding was disgraceful,
but at least the cutoff passed promptly and overwhelmingly. This past year, an undercover, independent
filmmaker exposed multiple Planned Parenthood offices as conducting a side
business in the sale of whole and partial corpses. Trafficking in cadavers and parts thereof is
not the same as trafficking in living human beings, but Planned Parenthood’s ghastly
harvesting has been condemned about as widely as was the ACORN’s scandalous
behavior, and so: Why is the parallel between the story of the ACORN and that
of PP incomplete? Why, when the US Senate
belatedly passed a bill to defund Planned Parenthood, did the measure receive
only 52 votes (in a chamber that counts 54 Republicans!), far below the 67 needed
to override a presidential veto? How can
the moral standards of any country, even one subjected to the influence of
Emperor Nerobama and to that of our odious popular culture, be falling so rapidly as ours are?