Castigating Israel for
not yielding to every foreign demand—including even his!—for the sake of the misnamed "Peace Process" (v.i.)
in the Holy Land, President Obombast told the American Israel Public Affairs
Committee that "The International Community is tired of an endless process
…." So am I. Why can't the "International
Community" stop trying to resuscitate said process, and mercifully allow
it to undergo a natural death?
(Even if we
Gentiles don't realize that 18 years is quite enough time to see whether
the Oslo Accords and their successor the Road Map for Peace would prove
effectual, the least that we ought to do is to stop referring to these
fantasies collectively as the Peace Process; this designation denotes
movement toward peace, but things have actually gotten worse, through
the conferring of legitimacy upon terrorists.)
24 May 2011
Uncommon Commentary #187: If He Signs the Order, the Only Thing Contracting Will Be the Similarity Between the USA and a Free Country
Emperor Nerobama is getting deserved
criticism (even from some fellow Democrats) over a potential executive order,
which would compel businesses that contract with the federal government to
disclose contributions to candidates and causes made both currently and over
the past two years (i.e., retroactive to our transformation into the Obama
Nation), and would prohibit such companies from exercising their
US-Supreme-Court-affirmed right to be politically active. Objections to
this particular proposal have been made on the grounds that its only possible
purpose would be to identify, and thereby intimidate, contractors who are also
detractors (that is, who make donations frowned upon by the present
presidential administration); this is certainly true, but there's a more
general reason to oppose executive orders of this sort (v.i.), which reason I
have not heard mentioned by anyone, unless it be the subject of the
Professional Services Council's imprecise reference to the order's
"dubious legality."
controversy started me wondering just what an "executive order" is
anyway. Research into the matter revealed that the term applied
originally to an order given by the US president in the course of administering
the executive branch of the US government, which branch he heads; they were
exercises of executive power rather than usurpations of legislative
power. Most executive orders have fit into the former category, and can
be likened to instructions that a mistress of a household might give her maid
on the frequency of changing bedsheets. Progressively, though, our chief executives,
especially serial abusers of authority such as Franklin Roosevelt, Clinton, and
Obama, have deformed something innocuous into a means of unconstitutionally
issuing de-facto laws. (In recognition of this, one left-wing organization, the
Soros-funded Institute for Policy Studies, put out a report that urged Obama to
bypass Congress and henceforward rule exclusively by executive order, viz., by
decree.) What's execrable about Obama's draught fiat (which may not even
be the most outrageous example in history) is not just its partisan quality but
also the very fact of its intrusion into the legislative sphere.
Even I, cynical though I've long been about the
(mal)functioning of the US government, was shocked to learn of the perversion
of executive orders, and, even more so, to realize that this deceitful practice
has won tacit acceptance. Our president is called the chief executive
because his true rĂ´le is to execute laws enacted by Congress, rather than to
enact laws himself. I'm no Founder-worshipper, but, if we're going to
call this country a "democracy" anyway, we might as well try to
ensure that its governance according to the US Constitution is the fact as well
as the theory. Conversely, if we're to continue to run the USA in such a
way that the Revolutionaries wouldn't recognize it, we ought to perhaps change
the spelling of the second syllable in "democracy" to
19 May 2011
Uncommon Commentary #186: Contamination of the "Arab Spring"
Egypt's interim government, which took power as a result of the so-called revolution that ousted Mubarak, has reconciled the
"moderate" Fatah faction of the [PLO-transmogrified-into-the-]Palestinian
Authority with the unabashedly immoderate Hamas faction; the new leadership
also makes little or no effort to prevent Islamic mobs from assaulting
Christians and burning their churches.
Isn't Egyptian "democracy" wonderful?
18 May 2011
Uncommon Commentary #185: Why Is Hawking Hawking Atheism?
Cerebral but theologically benighted Stephen Hawking has said that
there’s no Heaven, which assertion raises a question: If an ecclesiastic is not
qualified to pronounce on scientific matters, how can a physicist be an
authority on spiritual concerns?
17 May 2011
Uncommon Commentary #184: Maybe the Programs So Described Are As Harmful as if They Were Illegal Drugs
I'm tired of hearing
some television series or other complimented as "addictive." Addiction is a serious issue, not to be thus
16 May 2011
Uncommon Commentary #183: An Idea from a Bubbahead
Clinton thinks that there ought to be an "internet agency,"
instituted and funded by (yet somehow independent of) either the US government
or the United Nations, to present the facts in response to untruths that
"originate and spread online."
Note the word "online"; apparently he wants an exemption for
lies that originate from him. (In
fairness, having to handle even his
falsehoods as well might overload the system.)
14 May 2011
Uncommon Commentary #182: The Latin for "Left" Is "Sinister"
Experience has taught me that, even at the risk of developing paranoia,
it is safest not to believe anything said or written by a leftist (unless the
leftist's statement can be corroborated by reliable
13 May 2011
Uncommon Commentary #181: Come, Mr. Taliban, Tally Me Bananas
That is, come into the government, and count me (Uncle Sam) as being bananas.
Most of my countrymen probably don't realize that we are trying to bring the Taliban into the Afghan regime; the reasoning is that they command the loyalty of a large segment of the populace, and so, if the country is to be ruled with stability, a share of power must be given to the very people that Western armed forces drove from power ten years ago. What this reveals (if it wasn't already obvious) is the madness of building "democracy" in a place like Afghanistan.
11 May 2011
Uncommon Commentary #180
The Obama Administration has argued, evidently correctly, that the SEALs'
operation against Usama bin Laden was legal under international laws of war; for over two years, however, this same
administration has been denying to the world that we are at war versus Terror, and been treating terrorists as common
domestic criminals rather than as enemy combatants. In practicing what they don't preach,
President Yo'Mama (see the list of domanisms) and company
have set us up perfectly for the accusation that we have not slain a
belligerent but carried out a political assassination.
09 May 2011
Uncommon Commentary #179: "Kiss My Assassination!"
The al-Qaedists have acknowledged the demise of top terrorist Usama bin
Laden, but why have they done so, when they could have instead availed
themselves of the dearth of death-scene photographs to promote theories that
he's yet alive? There may be
significance for us in the likely reason: they think that they stand to gain
more from Moslem furor over his so-called assassination than from plausible
denial that the US mission succeeded.
07 May 2011
Uncommon Commentary #178: The Navy SEALs Bin Laden's Doom
You may have noticed that the US Government's attempts at giving the
story of the raid that killed bin Laden contained some slight discrepancies [rhetorical understatement], which, ominously,
boost the credibility of the accusation that we assassinated the Terror
tycoon. Considering who did the
explaining, e.g., Obombast, White House Press Secretary Jay Blarney—I mean, Carney—&c., it's unsurprising that
this effort was botched, but much confusion also resulted from the fact that
transmission between SEALs and heels was lost for the final "period of
almost 20 or 25 minutes." Why, instead of bungling the narrative by
speaking of things that they knew next-to-nothing about, didn't they simply admit
that they hadn't adequate information?
It's impossible to know, but it could well be that to make
such a concession would've meant acknowledging that President Egobama (a play
on "ego" and "Obama") was not fully in control of the
06 May 2011
Uncommon Commentary #177: Obama's Victory Crap
Another uncommon commentary is made necessary by the apparent willingness of many non-left-wing sources to endorse the falsehood that Obombast will go down in history as having rid the world of Usama bin Laden. Approving the operation against the head of al-Qaeda is not to his discredit, but nor is it any particular credit, since, although it was the right decision, it was also the obvious one. Can you imagine any post-"9/11" US president, least of all one who's running for re-election, not capitalizing a golden opportunity to capture or kill our #1-most-wanted terrorist? You know that our chief executive has a reputation for error when his opponents, for the sake of a change from criticism of him, praise him simply for not doing the wrong thing.
Had Obama and most of his fellow Democrats had their way, the target of SEAL Team Six (previously reviled by leftists as "Cheney's assassination squad") wouldn't even have been found, for bin Laden was located thanks to interrogative methods employed under the previous administration, but disingenuously banned by this one as constituting "torture." It is not incorrect to say that this is a success of the President, but the President, in this case, is George W. Bush.
Had Obama and most of his fellow Democrats had their way, the target of SEAL Team Six (previously reviled by leftists as "Cheney's assassination squad") wouldn't even have been found, for bin Laden was located thanks to interrogative methods employed under the previous administration, but disingenuously banned by this one as constituting "torture." It is not incorrect to say that this is a success of the President, but the President, in this case, is George W. Bush.
05 May 2011
Uncommon Commentary #176: It Was Mayday on May Day for the Maven of Mayhem
(Actually, it was May Day
in the USA, but it was already 2 May in
It would be
hypocritical to affect tears over the demise of someone like Usama bin Laden,
but neither, really, should we exult over his death (or that of any other
fellow human being). Ezekiel 33:11 reads in part: "As I live,
says the Lord God, I desire not the death of the wicked, but that the wicked
turn from his way, and live." (This doesn't mean that it was wrong to
kill UbL, who had plenty of opportunity to choose virtue over vice.
Justice is not the same as murder.) This verse comes from the Old Testament,
and therefore applied to the lost sheep of Israel, but Christianity extends the
attitude to all mankind—Yes, even to Moslem terrorists.
To some degree, no doubt, the jubilation is a result of the
public's having made UbL into a personification of the attacks on 11 Sept.
2001; this equation is obvious from the infantile pronouncements that have been
made since Sunday, e.g., "America [sic] is back," "the curse is
broken," "… rejuvenates the American [sic] psyche." The
assumption subconsciously underlying such statements apparently is that the
mere fact of being "American" means that we are especially blessed by
Providence, and so any catastrophe that happens here (rather than in the true
Promised Land, Israel, where an act of terrorism is nearly a routine
occurrence) is an aberration; in eliminating UbL we have fulfilled our
vengeance for, and thereby effectively erased, a dark chapter of our
history. The mastermind of "9/11," however, was not Usama bin
Laden but Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who has been in our custody for years; in
addition to being un-Christian, therefore, the celebration is rather
Democrats who professed indignance at the
"torture" of terrorists, including the just-mentioned Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, become hypocrites by expressing joy over the killing of bin Laden
(unless, as is more likely, they joined the Democratic Party because they were
already hypocrites).
another, practical reason not to party too heartily: doing so could bolster the
persecution complex that many Moslems around the world evidently have, and
scandalize potential terrorists into becoming actual ones.
If what I've written already does nothing to
make people sober, they ought to bear in mind that Christ told us (Matthew
24:21) that the Great Tribulation at the end of history will be worse than
anything that has happened before; therefore, what took place ten years ago may
pale in comparison with occurrences of the future—to judge from the way that
things are going, and from prophecies by reliable sources, probably not even the distant future.
(Lastly, enthusiasm should also perhaps be suppressed
by bewilderment over one of the oddities of the operation that got bin Laden:
since his compound was hundreds of miles from the ocean, why was the
assignment given to a Navy
SEALs unit?)
02 May 2011
Uncommon Commentary #175: Since He's Heir to a Throne and She's Heiress to a Fortune, Perhaps it's Not "Shacking" but "Mansioning" Up
Since I assiduously avoid exposure to popular "culture," I've
only now learned that William Windsor and Kate Middleton cohabited before
bothering to marry one another. If the multitude
who cheered the royal nuptials were hailing Prince William and Miss Middleton
for changing their relationship from one of sin to one of legitimacy, there's
hope for the world after all.
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