Among those who expressed
condolence over the sad event in Newtown, Connecticut were students of the
Caroline Miller School in Monrovia, Liberia, an institution sponsored by the
Newtown Rotary Club. This, along with
the fact that Liberia has a low standard of living and that civil war there
ended less than a decade ago, started me wondering what the infant-mortality
rate and the average life-expectancy might be in that country; it turns out
that the former is the seventeenth highest in the world, and the latter is
number 194. (Also, more than 1 in 5 children under age five is underweight). Suppose, therefore, that 20 elementary-school
children die in a small city in Liberia over the course of one year rather than
in one day, and as a result of conditions that do not prevail in wealthier places
like Connecticut; is that less lamentable than what happened in Newtown? Not in my opinion; it simply doesn't grab
headlines like mass murder. (The one real distinction between this hypothetical
situation and the shooting in Connecticut is that surviving pupils at the Sandy
Hook School could be traumatized by what they witnessed.)
Tragedies happen every day, all over the
world. I don't say that we ought to
ignore the Newtown massacre, but simply that we ought not to become fixated upon
30 December 2012
27 December 2012
Uncommon Commentary #315: Breaking the Cohabit
Word-choice matters in the
formation of attitudes. I wonder how
much less cohabitation there would be if we started referring to a woman who's
shacking up with a man not by a term that's designed to sound respectable, i.e.,
"live-in girlfriend" or "partner", but by one that
describes what she really is: "concubine."
22 December 2012
Uncommon Commentary #314: How Could a Choice Made by the OBAMA Not Be Perfect?
In nominating Sen. John Kerry to replace Hillary [sic] as secretary of
state, President Obombast called him the "perfect choice". If he's
the perfect choice, why wasn't he the first
choice (as opposed to the present holder of the position, as well as to
Susan Rice, although the latter was never actually nominated)? Perhaps he's
"perfect" in that he would unquestionably perform his duties just as
badly as Hillary [sic] has and as Rice would have. In 2003, as Haitian rebels
were fighting to end the thuggish, corrupt, left-wing rule of Jean-Bertrand
Aristide, Kerry proposed sending US forces to the war zone. The purpose? Not to
haste the deposition of the despot, but to prop up his regime!
There is one way in which Kerry comes far closer to
perfection than the current Secretary of State does: He can spell his first
19 December 2012
Uncommon Commentary #313: The Knee-Jerks' Reactions
Unlike most
other opinions on the issue of "gun control" (which is a misleading
term, since all that a government can really do is try to control guns), this u.c. presumes neither that those
responsible for the US Constitution (specifically, the Second Amendment
thereto) were endowed with superhuman wisdom nor that restricting the ownership
and use of firearms would have prevented the murders committed by the likes of
Javon [sic] Belcher and Adam Lanza. Its purpose, moreover, is not to argue
either for or against "gun control"; it is (in this first paragraph) to
argue against the hypocrisy of anti-gun hotheads who pretend to have deep respect
for our country's constitution yet demonstrate willingness to violate the
spirit of the document, and (in the next paragraph) to explain something that seemingly almost nobody understands, i.e., the primary motivation for the creation of
the Second Amendment. The laws of Connecticut (where Lanza carried out his
massacre) technically comply with the Second Amendment, but going through the
obligatory background check merely gives a prospective gun-buyer the privilege
of possessing a gun rather than of carrying the same. Anyone who wants to
have the opportunity to actually use his weapon when necessary must pay for
another permit, which will entitle him to have the gun on his person but only
within the borders of his own town; the purchase of yet another permit is required
for crossing from, let's say, Bridgeport to Fairfield in possession of said
gun, even if one lives 20 feet from the city line. Doubtless, the purpose of
this web of red tape (only part of which I have described here) is to make it
as difficult as is legally possible for someone to exercise his constitutional
right to bear arms.
advocates (even well-meaning ones) often argue that the Founding Fathers would
have approved of measures to ban only certain types of arms such as assault
rifles, but, in truth, they almost certainly would not have done so. The leading reason
for the Second Amendment's inclusion in the Constitution is that firearms had
made it possible for ordinary folk to fight authority. When the armored knight
and the longbow ruled the battlefield, years of training were required for one
to become an effective warrior, but the introduction of the gun changed that;
henceforth, anyone who knew which end of a "hand cannon" to point at
the enemy could challenge the powers that be. The backers of the Second
Amendment knew that the colonists' possession of guns had made the
Revolutionary War feasible, and they regarded such possession as necessary for
the sake of resisting the rule of the new government, should it ever become as
overweening as the British Crown allegedly had; they would have deemed it
necessary for a citizen to be permitted to own not just a handgun but also true
assault rifles (as opposed to the semi-automatic that Lanza used) or even
machine guns, which would have availed him the maximum firepower for countering
the firepower of an oppressive regime. (Indeed, there is great, though never-mentioned, significance in the
fact that the Second Amendment does not use the word "guns"; what it
gives us the right to keep and to bear are not "firearms" but simply
"arms", meaning weapons in general, without limits on the potency
The way that we
wage war has changed considerably since 1789, and so, in our era of nuclear
warheads and chemical weaponry, it may be that (as in my opinion) the Second Amendment to the
Constitution has outlived whatever usefulness it may have had; don't think, though, that it
is possible to have it both ways, viz., to restrict firearm sales or usage in
any way without infringing—note the choice
of this particular word, with its fine shade of meaning, for the text of the
amendment—on what the Founders regarded as vital for the defense of political
liberty. One cannot honestly favor any degree of "gun control"
without opposing the Second Amendment.
18 December 2012
Uncommon Commentary #312: Labor Pains
One current labor-unionist
protest uses a slogan that proclaims what is precisely the opposite of the
truth. Demonstrators against right-to-work legislation in Michigan brandish
signs which read “Fighting for Democracy!!!”[sic]; how did the “for” get in there?
The recalcitrants' counterparts in Philadelphia,
by contrast, came up with a form of protest which is more appropriate than they
realize. It seems that they took to the street simply because a non-union
electrician won a contract (on which unionized electricians also had the
opportunity to bid) to work on renovations to the Vista apartment building on
the 2800 block of N. 47th Street in Philadelphia; members of IBEW
local 98 subsequently vexed the apartment-dwellers by blasting out a recording
of an infant's bawling, from approximately 8 a.m. each day until the middle of
the afternoon. I can't think of a truer analogy to their behavior than the
crying of a baby.
17 December 2012
Uncommon Commentary #311: UC #239 Follow-Up
The cable-television network
H2, affiliated with the History Channel, has been airing a series called Countdown
to Apocalypse; the episodes have titles like "Countdown to 12/21/12:
Nostradamus", "Countdown to 12/21/12: Four Horsemen", &c. This is perhaps the most egregious example of
what I wrote about in Uncommon Commentary #239.
It would be bad enough if people were merely made nervous over the
Winter Solstice for no reason, but the effects of this fear-mongering could
even prove deadly; if something like the mass suicide by Heaven's Gate cultists
in the 1990's should occur, such persons as the makers and broadcasters of Countdown
to Apocalypse, and of other programs in the same genre, would bear
considerable responsibility for the tragedy.
16 December 2012
Uncommon Commentary #310: Is the CEO of GE an SOB?
As you may have heard, General
Electric head and Obombast economic advisor Jeffrey Immelt has said (in speaking
of mainland China) that "state-run communism" is "the one thing
that actually works"! One tries to be charitable and assume that he
didn't mean his remarks to sound the way that they did, but, if that be the
case, why has he made no effort to explain what he did mean?
12 December 2012
Uncommon Commentary #309: Why Couldn't Obama Himself Have Gone Extinct?
Our president has a fish, a lichen,
and now a prehistoric lizard named for him.
Each namesake is appropriate in its own way, on which topic I'll not
comment further.
11 December 2012
Uncommon Commentary #308: I Need Relief from Relief Concerts
Why don't overpaid quasi-musicians
just donate their own dollars to help
those affected adversely by Hurricane Sandy, rather than give the inevitable
concert for the purpose of raising money from others?
09 December 2012
Not Quite Either an Uncommon Commentary or a Miscellaneous Musing, but Rather a Seasonal Suggestion
who would like to maintain a greater degree of distinction between Advent and
Christmas than the commercialization and secularization of this time allows us
to do might want to imitate my practice: put up a tree during Advent (generally
on Christmas Eve), but not turn on its lights until the anniversary of the
Nativity arrives (ideally at midnight), and leave them on through all 12 days
of Yuletide, after which I take down the tree.
06 December 2012
Uncommon Commentary #307: TEA-Totallers
inevitability of higher taxation next year, as made evident in the negotiations
regarding the so-called "fiscal cliff"—even before many Republican senators and
representatives, for instance, openly renounced their pledge not to vote for a
tax increase, their leadership was expressing willingness to eliminate deductions
for the highest earners, which would have the same effect as a tax
increase—demonstrates that the TEA ("Taxed Enough Already") Party's influence
is dead, at least among those whose whose opinions really matter in our political system. (of course, this demise, ought already to have been obvious from the election results. A country that has been made to see the error of its spendthrift ways does not re-elect a chief executive who, with the co-operation of the party that retained control of the US Senate in the same round of elections, has done more to increase our debt that anyone else in history.) President Obombast (and his
minions in Congress and in the media) must be very proud of what he's done to
destroy the movement. (But then, he's always been very prideful, hasn't he?)
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