06 December 2012
Uncommon Commentary #307: TEA-Totallers
inevitability of higher taxation next year, as made evident in the negotiations
regarding the so-called "fiscal cliff"—even before many Republican senators and
representatives, for instance, openly renounced their pledge not to vote for a
tax increase, their leadership was expressing willingness to eliminate deductions
for the highest earners, which would have the same effect as a tax
increase—demonstrates that the TEA ("Taxed Enough Already") Party's influence
is dead, at least among those whose whose opinions really matter in our political system. (of course, this demise, ought already to have been obvious from the election results. A country that has been made to see the error of its spendthrift ways does not re-elect a chief executive who, with the co-operation of the party that retained control of the US Senate in the same round of elections, has done more to increase our debt that anyone else in history.) President Obombast (and his
minions in Congress and in the media) must be very proud of what he's done to
destroy the movement. (But then, he's always been very prideful, hasn't he?)