The recalcitrants' counterparts in Philadelphia,
by contrast, came up with a form of protest which is more appropriate than they
realize. It seems that they took to the street simply because a non-union
electrician won a contract (on which unionized electricians also had the
opportunity to bid) to work on renovations to the Vista apartment building on
the 2800 block of N. 47th Street in Philadelphia; members of IBEW
local 98 subsequently vexed the apartment-dwellers by blasting out a recording
of an infant's bawling, from approximately 8 a.m. each day until the middle of
the afternoon. I can't think of a truer analogy to their behavior than the
crying of a baby.
18 December 2012
Uncommon Commentary #312: Labor Pains
One current labor-unionist
protest uses a slogan that proclaims what is precisely the opposite of the
truth. Demonstrators against right-to-work legislation in Michigan brandish
signs which read “Fighting for Democracy!!!”[sic]; how did the “for” get in there?