17 May 2013
Uncommon Commentary #343: Kermit the Dog
I find it extraordinary
that no one, to my knowledge, made the same observation that I am now about
public attitude during the just-concluded trial of serial killer Kermit
Gosnell: Even someone who believes that there is a right to commit fœticide ought to be appalled to learn of the unsanitary
conditions and medical inadequacies of Gosnell’s pseudo-clinic. Do
pro-choicers not care that his malpractice caused the death of a woman who was
exercising what they consider to be her "right to choose"?
Evidently not. The lack of indignation from Abortion Land demonstrates at
least their true lack of concern for the women in whose interests they pretend
to act, and perhaps also that they know that the "House of Horrors"
was not exceptional.