word “dunce” derives from the name of theologian (John) Duns Scotus, who, however, was far from stupid; “SCOTUS” is an
acronym for “Supreme Court of the United States”, “United States” being an
inadequate name for the country that is correctly called “United States of America”, or “USA”.)
According to the television
listings, C-Span has allotted the entire period today from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. to President
Obama Eulogy for State Senator Clementa Pinckney. I assume that President Obombast won’t
actually fill the entire time slot with his verbiage—Even Bill Clinton has never
given a speech that lasted for four hours!—, but, the real question is: Why isn’t
he instead giving a eulogy for good sense on the US Supreme Court, which has
made a major misruling for the second day in a row?