21 December 2015
Uncommon Commentary #488: Don’t Monkey Around with Human Nature
I recently learned of a scientific study in which captive vervet monkeys
were allowed to play with toys of their own choice; according to the television
program that was the source of this information, it was found that “Just like
human children, male vervet monkeys prefer toy cars and balls, while females
prefer dolls and cooking-pots. Most
scientists believe that male primates [v.i.] are genetically programmed to play
in a way that helps them to develop hunting-and-gathering skills; females are more
likely to choose toys that teach them about child care.” Since we of the species Homo sapiens are also primates, do not the results of this
experiment further discredit those brownskirts (see the list of domanisms,
below) who deny that there are psychological differences between men and women?