following is my message to left-wing celebrities of popular "culture"
who are even more insufferable than before, now that they've made it their
anti-crusade to get the President re-elected:
of Emperor Nerobama is worse than stupidity; it is collaboration with a despotic
and corrupt regime. I don't preach
revolution, but, if revolution comes, don't blame anyone but yourselves if
you are the first ones whose heads roll.
27 April 2012
25 April 2012
Uncommon Commentary #258: Divorced from Truth
seem to think that if divorce is wrong, it is so only for Roman Catholics; God
Himself, however, during His incarnation, told us that divorce is not
permissible under any circumstances except adultery, and that whoever marries a
person whose ex-spouse is still living commits
adultery. (Sources including St. Augustine have regarded His words as meaning
merely that someone with an unfaithful spouse may "put away", i.e.,
separate from, but not actually end the marriage to, that spouse.) I know many devout Christians who have been
divorced for reasons other than infidelity, and I know of many others, e.g., the late President Reagan; I hope that God
mercifully grants them a place in Heaven despite their marital status, but the
decision does lie with Him, whose wisdom far surpasses ours.
19 April 2012
Uncommon Commentary #257: We Need a New Gent in the White House
Rock-and-roller Ted Nugent,
who favors Romney for the presidency, has aroused controversy by referring to the
current occupier in—I mean, of—the
Oval Office as “vile”, “evil”, and “America[sic]-hating”, and by saying that,
should Obama be re-elected, “I will either be dead or in
jail by this time next year.” (He ought to have used “shall”, which denotes simple
futurity, instead of “will”, which expresses intent—but, on the other hand,
maybe he was saying that he would rather
be dead or incarcerated than live “free” under Emperor Nerobama.) Dumbocrats are calling on Romney to “denounce”
Nugent’s comments. What Romney ought to
say to them is the following: “When the President repudiates the many
distasteful celebrities who’ve endorsed him,
maybe I’ll repudiate Nugent.”
13 April 2012
Uncommon Commentary #256: Mrs. Romney Actually Holds Two Jobs, i.e., Wife and Mother
like to ask a few questions of Dumbocratic Party strategist Hilary Rosen, who
insulted Mrs. Mitt Romney as "never having worked a day in her life":
managing a household and raising (in Ann Romney's case) five children qualify
as "working"? (I'll bet that millions of housewives think so.)
your statement mean that the Demagogic Party is doing what its propagandists accuse
the Republicans of doing, viz., waging war versus (non-professional) women?
you're indulging your psychological aberration and risking the mental health of
two members of a future generation by raising twins with a "partner"
of your own sex, who are you to get self-righteous about anyone else's domestic
should the spouse of someone as affluent as Mitt Romney seek paid employment,
thus taking a position away from someone who might need the money? Have you never wondered how many men (or single mothers) cannot provide
for their families because they've been out-competed in the job market by
females whose paychecks merely supplement those of their husbands? (See Uncommon Commentary #88.)
Lastly, why did you find it necessary to add "in her life" to your comment? Have you ever heard of a woman working a day outside her lifespan?
09 April 2012
Miscellaneous Musing #46
I used to
be troubled by words of the Word Incarnate spoken from the Cross: "My God,
my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" I now know that I was right to be
troubled, for the usual analysis of this statement, namely, that the Son
actually felt abandoned by the Father, must be wrong. Throughout His ministry,
Christ had tried to make clear to His disciples that the execution of the
Messiah was something that had to come to pass so that He could effect the
salvation of the world; for instance, in Gethsemane, when Peter and others
tried to defend Him from the men who came to arrest Him, He told them:
Do you think that I cannot
appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of
angels? But how then should the scriptures be fulfilled, that it must be so?
(Mt. 26:54-55)
Yet, on the
very next day, when the Crucifixion did occur,
he accused the Father of forsaking Him?
The episode makes no sense, unless the following is the correct explanation.
Like my
uncommon commentaries, psalms have traditionally been identified not only with
a number—On the subject of the arrangement of the Book of Psalms, it's
interesting to note that this is itself divided into "books"; e.g.,
Book V comprises Psalms 107-150—but also with a title; in the case of psalms,
as well as hymns, the title comes from the opening verse. In the Psaltery
within the Book of Common Prayer, for example, the twenty-second psalm bears
the Latin title "Deus, Deus meus", for it begins "My God, my
God, look upon me; why hast thou forsaken me?" My theological theory is
that, in crying out words from the first line of that most messianic of psalms,
Jesus was not grumbling against the Omnipotent (as the Israelites did during
the Exodus, incurring Yahweh's anger) but rather calling the attention of his
observers to the prophecies of the Christ contained therein: verse 8, "He
trusted in the Lord, that he would deliver him; let him deliver him, …";
and 17-18, "They pierced my hands and my feet; I may tell all my bones;
they stand staring and looking upon me. They part my garments among them, and
cast lots for my vesture."
If any of my readers privately disagree, I'll know.
06 April 2012
Uncommon Commentary #255: The Nut on the Executive Branch
ought not to waste time debating whether the current head of the Executive
Branch of the US Government believes in the principle that the Judicial Branch
of the same may invalidate what it deems unconstitutional. Having come to know and loathe Emperor Nerobama, we ought to have no reason to doubt that he accepts "judicial
review" when a Supreme Court decision favors
his cause, and that, in warning the justices against tampering with his "democratically"
enacted law, he was merely bullying them the way that he bullies everyone else.
03 April 2012
Uncommon Commentary #254: Putting the "Tort" in "Extort"
Nash, the Connecticut woman who was mauled by a chimpanzee, is trying to sue
the State for $150 million; her claim
is that ecological regulators ought not to have allowed her neighbor to keep
the animal, and so the incident is their fault.
Why doesn't she sue the neighbor, whom she was trying to help put the
chimpanzee back into its cage when the attack occurred? Because her neighbor
doesn't have $150 million. One of the
unwritten rules of litigation here in the USA is that the target of a lawsuit
should not necessarily be the party who bears the most responsibility for the
grievance, but rather the one who has the most money to be redistributed by a
court. Nash (with whom I sympathized
before hearing about this attempt to turn her tragedy into an attempt to profit
at others' expense) ought to bear in mind that there is at least one thing
worse than being savaged by an ape, resulting in the destruction of your face
and hands: Committing the deadly sin Greed, resulting in the destruction of
your soul.
02 April 2012
Uncommon Commentary #253: A Mormon Versus a Moron? Or, Romney the Nom'nee
don't know why GOP leaders, including some, such as Sen. Rubio, who have had
the support of the anti-establishment TEA Party movement, are gravitating
toward Mitt Romney; perhaps they reason that someone whom the voters view as a
moderate will have a better chance than an "extremist" of slaying the
monster Obama, even though that strategy bore no fruit in 2008. I make no pretense to membership in the
Republican establishment—I consider myself a "Domanist" or
"Theocentrist" (both terms being of my coinage) rather than a
Conservative, and hence am not registered with any political party, though I
always vote Republican, because the only alternative in our de-facto two-party
system is to cast my ballots for Democrats,
who not only don't have solutions to this country's problems but have
themselves caused many thereof—but, for what my endorsement is worth, I have
always favored Santorum for the presidential nomination (and not just because
of his name, which needs only a letter "c" to become the Latin for
"of the holy ones"). Having Mr.
Romney or any other Mormon as our chief executive would be problematic (see Uncommon Commentary #170), although, sadly, having a heretic in the Oval Office is
not without precedent; non-religious considerations also render him something
other than an ideal GOP standard-bearer.
Certainly he would be a better president than the current holder of that
office, but who wouldn't?
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