02 April 2012

Uncommon Commentary #253: A Mormon Versus a Moron? Or, Romney the Nom'nee

I don't know why GOP leaders, including some, such as Sen. Rubio, who have had the support of the anti-establishment TEA Party movement, are gravitating toward Mitt Romney; perhaps they reason that someone whom the voters view as a moderate will have a better chance than an "extremist" of slaying the monster Obama, even though that strategy bore no fruit in 2008.  I make no pretense to membership in the Republican establishment—I consider myself a "Domanist" or "Theocentrist" (both terms being of my coinage) rather than a Conservative, and hence am not registered with any political party, though I always vote Republican, because the only alternative in our de-facto two-party system is to cast my ballots for Democrats, who not only don't have solutions to this country's problems but have themselves caused many thereof—but, for what my endorsement is worth, I have always favored Santorum for the presidential nomination (and not just because of his name, which needs only a letter "c" to become the Latin for "of the holy ones").  Having Mr. Romney or any other Mormon as our chief executive would be problematic (see Uncommon Commentary #170), although, sadly, having a heretic in the Oval Office is not without precedent; non-religious considerations also render him something other than an ideal GOP standard-bearer.  Certainly he would be a better president than the current holder of that office, but who wouldn't?