25 April 2012
Uncommon Commentary #258: Divorced from Truth
seem to think that if divorce is wrong, it is so only for Roman Catholics; God
Himself, however, during His incarnation, told us that divorce is not
permissible under any circumstances except adultery, and that whoever marries a
person whose ex-spouse is still living commits
adultery. (Sources including St. Augustine have regarded His words as meaning
merely that someone with an unfaithful spouse may "put away", i.e.,
separate from, but not actually end the marriage to, that spouse.) I know many devout Christians who have been
divorced for reasons other than infidelity, and I know of many others, e.g., the late President Reagan; I hope that God
mercifully grants them a place in Heaven despite their marital status, but the
decision does lie with Him, whose wisdom far surpasses ours.