According to a news item, President Obombast has "urged
a quick return to elected civilian government" in Egypt, and said that
"we are deeply concerned by the decision of the Egyptian Armed Forces to
remove President Morsi and suspend the Egyptian constitution." Shockingly, the same story relates that he
"said [that he] had ordered a review of the legal implications for US aid
to Egypt in the wake of the military's toppling of the elected leader". Obama, then, renewed the USA's annual $1.3
billion in military aid to Egypt in May, when there was no indication that our
enemy Morsi would fall from power, yet he considers there to be "legal
implications" now as a result of
the coup d'état? Is he really so obtuse
as not to perceive that this counterrevolutionary act is the best that we (and
everyone else except the Islamists) could hope for in Egypt?
Mohammed Morsi was indeed
"democratically elected", but so were the National Socialists
("Nazis"), the Hamas, Hugo Chávez, Yassir Arafat, Salvador Allende, Vladimir
Putin, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and so forth; what has that
to do with right and wrong? I may be
risking stoning by patriots in making this statement on 4 July, but I here
assert that sovereignty resides not
in the People but in our divine sovereign. The Bible tells us, as in Romans 13:1, that
rulers derive their authority from God; it has no qualification as to whether those
leaders have attained power "democratically", and, indeed, none of
them had, for Judæa was a province of the Roman Empire when St. Paul wrote that
verse. What we miscall
"democracy" is no more inviolable than any other mere human
I bid "Good
riddance" to Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood theocrats, but there are
plenty of equally dangerous radicals who could well gain power if the Egyptian
military heeds our president's urging; fortunately, no one outside the USA
still seems to pay much attention to anything that Obama says.