It's remarkable how seriously some otherwise-sensible commentators apparently
take the notion of an "Obama Doctrine". If Obama's approach to the upheavals in the
Near East were consistent enough to be called a "doctrine", would he
have reacted as inconsistently as he
has? After weeks of defying pressure to do
something to aid the rebellion in Libya, he abruptly reversed his public stance
and ended up taking the USA to war without a declaration of such; he denied
that his administration was working toward Gaddafi's violent overthrow, and
then claimed credit for the violent overthrow when it did occur; he spent two years resisting calls for
intervention in Syria—this resistance included drawing a "red line"
over the use of chemical weapons, the crossing of which he never made a
precondition for joining the fight versus Gaddafi—before executing another
Libya-style flip-flop, which so far has not led to anything but a promise to
supply anti-Assad insurgents with small arms; and he has dithered over policy
regarding Egypt in the wake of the Muslim Brotherhood's ouster, first calling
for a "review" on whether to continue military aid, then justifying
continuation of that aid by describing the (latest) coup d'état as a popular
revolution, and presently holding up that aid, specifically, the delivery to
Egypt of four F-16's that we promised to that country while Morsi and his ilk
were still in power.
It seems obvious to
me that, when President Obombast speaks of the election of radical Islamists as
a "transitional phase" between secular despotism and secular
"democracy", he's not elucidating a doctrine but merely pretending
that the developments of the disastrous "Arab Spring" are proceeding
just as he had planned. Foreign-policy doctrines
are only for presidents who sincerely try to serve in their country's best interests.