demonstrators are bearing signs that read "We Are All Trayvon Martin".
If that message is true, God help them! As was inevitable on the part of
people who jump to race-based conclusions (or who simply don't care what the
truth is, so long as they can satisfy their desire to hate), those who demanded
that George Zimmerman (a Caucasoid who reportedly is Hispanic, and so doesn't
qualify as "White" in our odd ethnic terminology) be tried and
convicted for the killing of the Black Trayvon [sic] Martin have depicted the
latter as a saint; photographs and text messages discovered on his cellular
telephone—not "cell phone", please—give us rather a different
portrayal. The subjects of Martin's photographs, for instance, include
marijuana plants, a hand "menacingly" holding a semi-automatic
pistol, and even naked underage girls. In contrast, Zimmerman (who, by
the way, is part Black) and his wife mentored two (Black) children for no
charge, and Reuters interviewers found that the accused's neighbors,
no matter what their ethnicity, regarded him as caring deeply for them.
Also, I have a message for President
Obombast: Martin's death obviously is a tragedy for him, but it is not "a
tragedy for America [sic]". (By the last of these words I assume
that you mean the United States of America,
not the entire New World, i.e., North and South America.) The real
tragedy for this country is that the response to what examination of the facts
revealed to be a justifiable homicide, and to acquittal as the result of a
trial that ought not to have even taken place—after all, the Sanford police
chief declined to charge Zimmerman with any crime, and the local district
attorney chose not to prosecute—demonstrates that, years after your election to
the US presidency, We the People are still obsessed with race.