06 May 2015
Uncommon Commentary #456: UC #455 Follow-Up
my last-previous u.c., there appears the word “Nigger”. I do not use the word as a racial insult, but
merely refer to its use as such; some readers may, however, object to the mere
fact that the word is spelled out. (If so, I wouldn’t know; as you may already
have noticed, I don’t allow comments on my postings, because I don’t want the
crackpots and libelers out there to have even more opportunity to make their
opinions known than they already do. Anyway,
this is the Doman Domain; if you’re
not a crackpot or a libeler, get your own weblog!) The current practice of
avoiding “Nigger” either verbally, by calling it “the n-word”, or in print, by
writing “n_____”, as if it were an obscenity that ought never to even be mentioned,
impresses me as being counterproductive as well as priggish. After all, how do we dissuade children from repeating the “n-word”, which they will likely hear used as a slur at some time, if polite society has never told them what the “n-word” is?