11 May 2015
Uncommon Commentary #457: The Winner of This Contest Deserves No Garland
is not necessarily perverse or pusillanimous to criticize the organizer of the
“Draw Muhammad” contest, and the participants therein, as having provoked the
terrorist attack in Garland, Texas. (In Islam, it is forbidden to portray the
founder of the religion.) We ought not to be cowed by Muslim threats of
violence, but neither ought we to antagonize Muslims without good cause. (I
shall here expound this last statement. Several
years ago in Australia, Islamic immigrants were demanding to be governed under sharia instead of the civil law that
applies to nearly everyone else in that country. Prime Minister Rudd rightfully refused the
demand, telling them—in a reply that I consider to be extraordinary on the part
of a Labourite—that it is the responsibility of recent immigrants to assimilate
to established Australian culture. In
this case, a clash between Muslim and Western ideologies occurred, but it did
so because it was unavoidable under the
circumstances, as it often is in our pluralistic world. In contrast, there’s nothing unavoidable
about a “draw Muhammad” contest; the only reason why one stages such a
competition is to intentionally infuriate Muslims.)