15 August 2013
Uncommon Commentary #356: One Clown Mocks Another
This news item reports on the aftermath of an incident,
at the Missouri State Fair, to which President Obombast's term "phony
[sic] scandal" applies much more truly than it does to the real scandals
that our chief executive is trying to belittle.
The rodeo-clown act was
disrespectful, but: So what?
What has Obama, an unprincipled, megalomaniacal bully, done to deserve
respect? Certainly an important office
like the US presidency has inherent dignity, but this doesn't mean that a
dishonorable man transforms into an honorable one by means of lying his way
into our country's highest office. I
regard any president as worthy of respect so long as he sincerely endeavors to
serve in the best interests of his country; I think that this was true of Carter,
failure though he was, but would anyone seriously argue that it's true of the
present occupant of the Oval Office?